You love writing. You wish you could do it full time but it takes a lot of work and a long time to establish yourself as a writer to get to the point your writing can support you. And to be honest, you’re not sure if you’re that good of a writer to do it full time. In those moments of doubt, you remind yourself everyone can’t be a J.K. Rowling, Malcolm Gladwell, Stephen King, or James Patterson.
But you have at least three things in common with these ultra-successful authors. One, at some point along their writing journey, they decided they wanted a different life, a better life. They wanted to have the life they weren’t living and they wanted writing to be the key to unlock the door to their financial freedom. Two, they doubted their abilities and didn’t trust who they could become, especially when they were being rejected. Three, they understood to manifest that better life they would have to share.
You will never be who you want to be, and you will never have what you want to have by cowering in the shadows, afraid to let your work go out into the Universe. You must share your writing. It doesn’t matter if it’s a poem, short story, screenplay, or a full manuscript. God, the Universe, never provides you with a talent intending for you to keep it to yourself. Your words are not meant for your eyes only. Let others read your ideas, thoughts, opinions, and stories. Share.
Your wealth or lack of wealth is tied directly to the extent you share. If J.K. Rowling did not sit down in her writing space for six long years to share her magical story, she would never have the life she is rejoicing in. Because she was willing to share her stories with millions, she has earned billions.
How will your incredible life become a reality if you are unwilling to share?
I understand that I write because I must. I have to tell a story, share an idea, express an opinion, challenge a belief. If I don’t, my mind becomes clogged with those words I refused to set free. They stomp around in my head like the innumerable buffalo herds of the 1800s. When I feel my work is unworthy and inadequate, I remind myself of the talent placed in me and the obligation of sharing that comes with that talent. I am reminded that through sharing, I can have an incredible life.
You may not know or believe your writing is good enough, but you love writing, your best life is awaiting you, and there is an obligation attached to the talent you have. So share. Otherwise, you’ll have words stomping around in your head like the innumerable buffalo herds of the 1800s.