The One Thing You Must Never Forget

Have you ever forgotten your keys? Have you ever forgotten your phone? Have you ever forgotten to pay a bill? I certainly have. But have you ever forgotten your Why? 

For fifteen years I dragged myself to a job I hated. I opened my heart to those with closed hearts. I spent money I didn’t have to impress people that didn’t care. I lived in places that gave me anxiety instead of rest. I spent time helping others but I wouldn’t help myself. I didn’t have any goals, dreams or aspirations. I was just going through the motions. 

One morning I was sitting in rush hour traffic on my way to that job I hated when I heard a voice from my past. It was the voice of Mr. Grimes. I met Mr. Grimes several years ago while I was renewing my drivers license. He and I spoke for less than 15 minutes that day but he gave me a piece of wisdom that has guided me every day of my life. 

Mr. Grimes was a tall, thin man. A raggedy baseball cap was pulled tightly over his bushy, gray hair. His clothes were wrinkled and could fit a much bigger man. The impression on his ring finger said there was a time when he cared about someone and someone cared about him. 

On the way back to our cars Mr. Grimes took me by my shoulder. He looked at me with the urgency of a dying man. He said, young man one day you might get to a point in your life where you’re just going through the motions. If you find yourself in that place, ask yourself, why am I here?

And I asked myself, why am I here? I had forgotten my why.

I got to work that day and all I could think about was the question, why am I here? On my way home from work that evening, a voice said to me, you’re here to be heard, to share a message. You’re here to be a leader in your community, to be a role model to your children. You’re here to give a voice to your frustrations. You’re here to love and be loved. You’re here to create your greatest Self. 

And what about you? Have you forgotten that you want to be heard? Have you forgotten that you have a message to share? Have you forgotten that you want to be a leader in your community? Have you forgotten that you want to be a role model to your children? Have you forgotten about voicing your frustrations? Have you forgotten about loving and being loved? Have you forgotten that you want to make a difference? Have you forgotten about creating your greatest Self? Have you forgotten your why? 

You’re here because inside of you are stories, experiences, solutions, messages, that your children, your friends, your community, your colleagues, the world, need to hear. Becoming who you are is so important. You must not die with that mission inside you. When you live with purpose, your life has a presence, an impact upon others. When you express yourself your voice will drown out the voices of those that are just saying something.

It took me some time but I found my why again. I learned new skills and left that job I hated. I opened my heart only to those with an open heart. My money problems went away along with the people I was trying to impress. I moved to a place that provided rest and peace. I set goals, explored my dreams and discovered new aspirations. No longer was I, just going through the motions.

You must never forget your WHY. It is your compass, your guide, your map. It is the light that you must always walk toward.